Living Arts Project 2022-2023
As part of the Creative Schools Programme, we look part in the Living Arts project which was lead by Kate Murphy and Bríd Colloton. Take a look at the children's wonderful work. A huge thank you to Kate and Bríd for sharing their expertise.
School Activities
Education Doesn't Just Happen in the Classroom!!!
Sing Out Loud!
We have taken part in this concert since 2016. It is a wonderful opportunity to allow the pupils to perform in The National Opera House, Wexford. The children get to perform a range of different songs from different musical genres with different schools from around the county. It is also a fantastic opportunity for them to see other artists perform and appreciate their amazing talents.
School Tours
Each year tours are chosen carefully to allow the children to have exciting experiences outside the classroom.
Small Schools Soccer Blitz
Each year, a number of similar sized schools play in this competition. As well as developing their sports skills, it gives the pupils an opportunity to socialise with other schools. St. Edan's N.S. took home the trophy many times over the years. We are delighted and so proud of all our students.